Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Crush

You guys - I'm pregnant!

Carter and I are thrilled to announce that Team Shuffler will grow by one on or around December 18th! Have been dying to share the news with you, though I've heard that some of you had your suspicions ;)

I'm really happy. I'll be honest and say that it took me a while to get to this point, but I'm glad we waited because now I feel ready and excited for the opportunity to welcome someone else into this crazy Shuffler house. And I mean "ready" very loosely because I'm also freaking out as to what this all will mean come December...but that's part of the fun of this nutty roller coaster ride.

The first trimester was rough...glad that's over! I'm starting to get my mojo back and hope that I get a real energy spurt in this second trimester because there is LOTS to do around here before baby bear debuts.

Carter is wrapping up the basement - it looks SO good. I'll scrounge up some pictures to show you, but I'm glad we (he) got a jump on that a while ago because we're almost done. My main goal is to get the house painted this summer because it's the #1 thing on my list and I just have a feeling all items on my list will quickly be put on the back burner when we're faced with an impossibly cute nugget that we don't want to leave for a DIY project.

And, let's not forget the nursery that will need some work in the coming months. I have a pretty good game plan going...I'll share thoughts and ideas as they come to me. All I know is that it's going to be bananas.

I'm so chatty today, but I'm so happy to share this with you because I like you a lot. You read my blog and you know me, you know Carter and now you'll know our offspring. It's all very exciting.

Have a fantastic weekend...see you Monday!


  1. Fabulous news!!! Congrats

  2. A future follower of Chinoiserie Chic. ;-) Congratulations to you both. I just know this baby will have the cutest nursery ever and I suspect some Chinoiserie touches. Can't wait!

  3. What exciting news!!! Congratulations! And I'm glad you're feeling better!

  4. OMG! An AMAZING BLESSING! So happy for the both of you!!! Can't wait to see all the changes to come for you & Carter AND for the HOUSE!!! It will be fun! You will see....! Prayers for your continued good health and the "little nugget" too!

  5. Congratulations Daniella!! How fun ... and the little "onesie" couldn't be cuter!!

  6. Congratulations! Wonderful news!!

  7. Congratulations I am so excited so excited for you!

  8. Congratulations! I think most people don't EVER feel "ready," so you are one step ahead of the game. Hope the rest of the pregnancy is happy and healthy.

  9. Anonymous6/29/2012

    Congratulations to your family!

  10. Anonymous6/29/2012

    Your post was "glowing" with excitement as you shared your wonderful news ... congrats to you and Carter and your future little nugget :)

  11. Congratulations! We are all anxiously awaiting your "little nugget" and I am sure you will be so happy.

  12. Congratulations Daniela! That is wonderful news. I enjoy reading your blog, and look forward to your posts about the nursery. I know it will be fabulous!

    Best wishes,

  13. Anonymous6/29/2012

    Congratulations! Hope You the best!

  14. Congrats!!!! So excited to see what you have planned for the nursery and can't wait to "virtually meet" the little cutie nugget! God Bless!

  15. What great news... you're beginning an ever-changing adventure that is full of fun and love.

  16. What wonderful news to read! It's a whole new ballgame now. Best wishes during this blessed time. I love your orange onesie graphic.

  17. Yippee skippee! And now we get to see pictures of nurseries and follow along the new journey...thanks for sharing the good news!!

  18. Anonymous6/30/2012

    I knew there was something in the wind, so to speak, with no yard sale finds, no blue/green den photos. Now you're feeling better, you'll have to make up for lost time. A tip for someone who went through it in the summer, every time I went out in 109 heat, I got sick again. I had to seriously take to the air-conditioned cave. Congratulations to you and your husband.

  19. Yeah! Congratulations to you, both. I hope you show us growing belly pictures along the way. The nursery will be lovely, can't wait.

  20. Anonymous7/01/2012

    Have I told you how ecstatic I am to be the grandmom of your child!!! i can hardly breath I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. So excited for y'all!!! Xoxo

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Congrats!! I'm just getting caught up and this is so exciting.
