Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Crush

Photo by Raeanne Giovanni-Inoue for The New York Times

Pink + Black + Gold will forever be one of my favorite color combinations. And I adore the juxtaposition of this black fabric against a gilt French chair from the 2008 Kips Bay Decorator Show House. It's been a while (like a week or two, but that's a while) since I've seen a piece of furniture that has grabbed my attention so violently. Gorgeous!

Don't forget to shop the One Kings Lane Blogger Tag Sale - some of your favorite blogging voices have curated quite the collection of loot. The sale started last night but there is still great stuff up for grabs.

Have a great weekend...see you Monday!



  1. I am so thrilled I just found your blog! It's full of amazing work...I just became your newest follower and I am so excited to come back for more! Thanks Doll :)

  2. i wish they'd divided up the goods by which blogger had put them in the sale. i didn't want to have to look at every description to see whose stuff was whose.
